Monday 18 April 2011

Target audience for my magazine

My target audience is ranged since my magazine is going to be ranged in genre

These are pictures of the type of audience i mean by ranged, there are adults and teenagers included here which is what i and aiming towards

Thursday 7 April 2011

College mag evaluation

My college magazine I feel was quite poor, and could of been a lot better. The images I feel were too boring, and the colourful writing didn't make up for it as much as i'd hoped either.
I think this happened because I left a lot until close by the deadline, I didn't have any photos until very close to the end so they were very poor. I left my photos unchanged also and took them in black and white. My fonts were not spontaneous, I used perhaps 3 or 4 different fonts over the two pages which I also feel ruined the magazine.
The only thing I really liked about my magazine was the name I chose, I felt Upload was catchy and would grab the attention of students.
For my music magazine I think I will have to change most of the things I did with my college magazine, perhaps making the pictures more interesting, use more bold font rather than colourful and be spontaneous with the font also.

Finished contents

Finished cover

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Mind maps and ideas.

College magazine. Overview.

In my magazine I will include articles and items in which the audience will want to see and read.
Since my audience is the students, things included would be perhaps how they feel about the college, gigs and concerts, opinions on other goings on such as tuition and EMA cuts.
I won't include too many pictures, perhaps just a big one for each page, this is because i'm not trying to draw in the audience through lots of small pictures, The pictures will also not be made to stand out, rather, made to just give a background to the magazine.