Wednesday 4 May 2011

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Since the Preliminary take, my understanding of In design and photoshop has improved, Originally i'd be asking constantly what i do, and could never keep on track, however, since my understanding of both has improved, I can do a lot more on both programs that i originally could and and keep up with the task, although i've still a lot more to learn about both however what i have learned i feel shows in a difference, although my music magazine is not totally brilliant, in fact far from it, I still think i've learned so much since the start of the year from the preliminary task

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I've used several technologies throughout the year and throughout creating my magazine.
In design is a program from Adobe used mainly on making magazines, this program is used by many professionals to create magazines throughout the media. The are plenty of different tools which allows users to create pages however many of these tools are difficult to use and understand, and may take a while to get used to.
I used In design to create the pages to my magazine using all sorts of tools to do so, I found alot of the tools difficult and confusing but i feel with time i could get used to it. Since i had never used in design before everything was new to me, so i have learned to create magazines easily using this program.

Photoshop is a program used to edit photos in all sorts of ways, the amount of options and tools available to you are practically limitless, however, it could take a long time to know how to use all of these tools, perhaps many never will as adobe always add new features. I had rarely used in design before, and learn about all kinds of tools I'd never seen before, and learned all about PDF's and CMYK.

I used survey monkey to make my survey results, survey monkey simply is what i says, a survey site, used to make surveys and record data. The feedback i received influenced slightly my decisions in what i did with my magazine

How did you attract/address your audience?

I used a bright green colour that attracts the audiences eyes to the magazine, and also large font. Seeing green and a large font in my opinion is very eye catching and appealing. Since the title goes across the entire top  of the page it can also be seen on the left third if behind other magazines.
 I made sure my magazine would feature articles that my readers would want to see, for their particular interest. Also chances for competitions and winning things that would attract people eyes if they saw it in the shops

Who would be the audience for your media product?

My audience of to both males and females, all races, all sexualities and people between the ages of 13 and 30. I've chosen to have such a wide audience to try something different, or challenge conventions. I thin this could be quite beneficial to my magazine choosing this range of audience because it could make more sales, and attract all types of people from all different backgrounds all in the interest of music, eventually perhaps in reading this magazine readers music tastes could also broaden rather than listen to one or two genres of music.
as for the older generation, this can help them keep up with today's music, whatever the genre, whatever you like to listen to, the magazine will appeal to almost everyone.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I looked at several different institutions such as Bauer Media and Conde Nast, But i decided Bauer Media would be the right choice to make.
I've chose Bauer Media because i feel it has more experience in marketing music magazines such as Kiss, Kerrang and 4 music.
IPC Media, is not as renowned as as either Conde Nast or Bauer and focuses mainly on selling woman's magazines, food and gardening so the felt that they were not the right choice to make.
Conde Nast may be a bigger distributor than Bauer, and has been around for longer but they yet again have nowhere near as much experience in dealing with music magazines, they publish mainly high end fashion magazines such as vogue and vanity fair.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My magazine Challenges other magazines because of my wide range of audience I have chosen, no magazines include all genre's of music, and aim towards all listeners of music. However it conforms  by keeps page layouts similar to post magazines, articles included the same and most magazines and generally keeps the same apart from my choice of a wide audience.
I chose to have a wide audience simply because I wanted to challenge the norm, All magazines keep to a certain audience, I thought My magazine could be different to these other magazines, then attracting more readers to it, rather than one type of audience
However i decided to keep all other aspects of my magazine the same because i felt if i challenged conventions too much it could all go wrong in which way i'd then have a failed magazine.

snapshots of double page spread