Tuesday 3 May 2011

Analysis of front covers

NME or New Musical Express is a music magazine targeted towards a ranged audience, similar to my magazine. Their Masthead is on the left third, they do this as it is easy to spot under over magazines as the top left side is normally the only part of a magazine behind others in view in retailers. NME also as shown on this example, only use one main image on their cover, the image slighty goes over the E on the masthead, the large image can catch consumers eyes more than several smaller images. The Headline or coverling is big and bold also to catch attention, as are the smaller coverlines and the magazine header bar also.
NME on the cover have kepts to a certain continuity with font and colours, the font is all the same, and the cover uses the same 3 colours throughout the page, Red, Gold and White, this stops the page from looking messy, un-organised and unprofessional, even the clothing and props the artist in the image has keeps to this colour code, apart from the blue at the top of his jumper.
The barcode also has the price, date of issue release and issue number on it, these are small on the barcode as they are not as much as a thing of interest to consumers or are not selling points.
Although NME has normally a miced audience, this cover shows more masculinity as the colours and image appeal more for a male audience rather than female.

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