Wednesday 4 May 2011

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I've used several technologies throughout the year and throughout creating my magazine.
In design is a program from Adobe used mainly on making magazines, this program is used by many professionals to create magazines throughout the media. The are plenty of different tools which allows users to create pages however many of these tools are difficult to use and understand, and may take a while to get used to.
I used In design to create the pages to my magazine using all sorts of tools to do so, I found alot of the tools difficult and confusing but i feel with time i could get used to it. Since i had never used in design before everything was new to me, so i have learned to create magazines easily using this program.

Photoshop is a program used to edit photos in all sorts of ways, the amount of options and tools available to you are practically limitless, however, it could take a long time to know how to use all of these tools, perhaps many never will as adobe always add new features. I had rarely used in design before, and learn about all kinds of tools I'd never seen before, and learned all about PDF's and CMYK.

I used survey monkey to make my survey results, survey monkey simply is what i says, a survey site, used to make surveys and record data. The feedback i received influenced slightly my decisions in what i did with my magazine

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