Wednesday 4 May 2011

Analysis of double page spread

The double page spread in an interview with a  new American artist. It show 8 small images at the top of the page going from left to right of the artist pulling poses by himself and with a fellow bandmate and doing live gigs.
The interview is not Q & A and rather as just a is just free flowing, throwing in quotes from the artist at certain points, and explaining about him and what he is doing. The interview is well layed out across the page, making it easy to follow unlike the contents.
The start of the interview is instantly informal as it starts with the word "fuck" and the F is coloured in red and large and bold, attracting the eye, knowing this is the start of the interview.
The page and pictures yet again keep to the colour scheme of the front page, red, white and gold.
Also the is an artist profile on the page, coloured in red making it eye catching.

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